Golden Future Claiming Memorial Service

Please prepare the following requirements to be submitted




For Deceased Plan holder

  1. Original Copy of Life Plan Contract (LPAF, Plan Specifications, General Provisions)
  2. Certificate of Full Payment (fully paid or spotcash account)
  3. Valid ID of Plan holder
  4. CTC Death Certificate
  5. Signed Memorial Service Contract (Golden Future Form)
  6. CTC Burial Permit
  7. CTC Cremation permit (for cremation plan)

Requirements for Assigned Plans

  1. Original Copy of Life Plan Contract (LPAF, Plan Specifications, General Provisions)
  2. Certificate of Full Payment (for fully paid or spotcash account)
  3. Valid ID of Plan holder (Assignor)
  4. Valid ID of Deceased (Assignee)
  5. CTC Death Certificate of Deceased Assignee
  6. Signed Memorial Service Contract (Golden Future Form)
  7. CTC Burial Permit
  8. CTC Cremation Permit (for cremation plans)

Additional Requirement (if necessary)

  1. NBI Report
  2. Autopsy Report

For your Policy Number you may contact us at 09190782974 or email us [email protected]

    Golden Future Statement of Account

      Golden Future Reinstatement

      Redating – Payment of one (1) amortization at the current rate and terms plus reinstatement fee and other charges, if any.

      Updating – Payment of all overdue installments with surcharge at a rate prevailing at the time of reinstatement, plus reinstatement fee and other charges, if any.

        Golden Future Change Scheme

          Golden Future Plan Transfer

            Golden Future Plan Amendment

              Golden Future Accounts Cancellation

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